Cows world’s one of his very big passion. Everything started when he was very young beside his brother Jaume at the family farm Comas Novas, Barcelona.
Quim has been working in the milk business during the last thirty years, giving sire maiting, selecting animals, advising in reproduction programs, and preparing animals for shows, championships and exhibitions.
He has participate in the most well-known National and International shows in Europe, EUA, Canada and in many competitions all over Spain, Italy, Holland, France and Switzerland. There, he has been able to enjoy preparing many champions and showing them in the ring.
In the last few years he has transmited all his know-how teaching at EYBS (European Young Breeders School), at the Trainning School of CONAFE and also at the Trainning School in Menorca (Baleares), Pozoblanco (Andalucia), Clube de Xóvenes Gandeiros (Galicia) and the 1st clipping School in Hungary.
Quim has exercised as judge in the Young Breeders Competition at SIMA 2009 in Paris, as a associated judge at the Red & White WDE 2010 at Madison (USA), at Expo 2014 Beaulieu Lausanne (Switzerland),at Eurogenetic 2015 (France), at Supreme Latier 2015 of Quebec (Canada), at Farming Tour 2019 (France) and t Les Pyrénéenne StGaudens 2021 (France). Judge of the Junior Open Show in Cremona 2022 (Italy). Judge of the Clipping & Showmanship at HHH - Young breeders 2023 (Holland).